Our Physical Therapy Clinics in Chicago

Our Chicago physical therapy clinics are renowned for their expertise in physical therapy, with targeted treatments that help aid in recovery. As a PT Solutions patient, you can expect a welcoming atmosphere, state-of-the-art equipment, and a highly trained staff committed to delivering exceptional care.

4.9 rating with over 1000+ reviews

Five starts image
I am now on the path to recovery from a persistent and acute lower back injury. The staff was fantastic, from the admin to the physical therapists. Scheduling appointments was seamless, and each session started off with understanding my issues that day and working on activities to remedy them, including long-term health. The team always made me feel at home, comfortable, and part of the clinic family.

Cody e.

I really liked this place. The location is great, and the people who work there are awesome. They’re friendly, and it’s clean and open. They will work you hard, but you get results. I would highly recommend them.

patty s.

Very friendly staff! They were successfully able to return me to activities such as heavy weightlifting, running and soccer after a knee injury. The PTs were professional and focused on helping me get to where I wanted to be in terms of recovery.

Stephen c.

Our Physical Therapy Services

PT Solutions offers various services to provide comprehensive care for patients. With a focus on personalized treatment plans, we leverage evidence-based approaches to deliver innovative therapies across specialties.

Physical image

Physical therapy

Physical therapy at PT Solutions encompasses treatments designed to address a variety of conditions in patients of all ages. Through in-depth assessments, individual care plans, and high-quality equipment, our goal is to help you achieve pain relief.

sport care

sports injury

Occupational therapy at PT Solutions is focused on helping individuals regain the ability to perform daily activities following an injury, illness, or disability. Occupational therapy is crucial for patients needing specialized care to navigate their recovery and achieve independence.

Neuro rehab

neurological rehab

Sports Medicine at PT Solutions is designed for athletes and active individuals seeking to recover from sports-related injuries or to enhance their athletic performance. From running analysis to concussion care, our sports physical therapists help patients achieve peak performance and prevent future injuries.

The PT Solutions Difference

At PT Solutions, we’re dedicated to making every aspect of your journey with us exceptional right from the start. Your health, comfort, and satisfaction are our top priorities. With a focus on personalized care, we ensure that from the moment you walk through our doors, you’re on a path to recovery that’s just right for you.


We have strategically chosen the location of our clinics to ensure easy access to our services, making it convenient for you to receive top-notch care close to home or work.



With a team of highly skilled and experienced clinicians, we offer expert guidance and support throughout the physical therapy process, grounded in evidence-based research.

Exceptional Customer Service

With an average review score of 4.9 stars, we strive to provide high-quality customer service that exceeds the standards in health care.

Frequently Asked Questions

We recognize and appreciate the trust you are placing in us. We are proud to provide you with the best possible care throughout your journey. Get answers to commonly asked questions about PT Solutions and what to expect when becoming a part of the family.

PT Solutions accepts most major and local insurance carriers, including but not limited to Aetna, AARP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Care Plus, Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare. Oftentimes in the state of Illinois, you don’t need a doctor’s note or a referral to see a physical therapist for an initial evaluation. However, it’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand the requirements of your plan.

That depends on your insurance plan. If your insurance plan requires a referral from your primary care physician, then you will need a referral in order to schedule an appointment. To determine if you require a referral, or what services are covered by your plan, you will want to call directly to your insurance company.

Please remember to complete your patient forms prior to your visit and bring your photo ID, all insurance cards and a list of any medications you take. Create an account for our secure patient portal. Here you can update your contact and insurance information, send and review messages with your providers, check your balance and see upcoming appointments. Check-in even faster by completing the new patient forms online before you visit the office. Simply log in to the Patient Portal and complete your forms.

Your insurance plan dictates deductibles, copays, coinsurance, networks etc. If you have questions or concerns discuss with your insurance company or your employers benefits coordinator. Plan to pay your copay or insurance required payments at the time of your visit. Leaving a card on file when checking in make checking out for future visits a breeze.

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